30 Day Writer Bootcamp for Coaches and Business Owners
Write your book in 30 days
Geared towards coaches, professionals, and business personnel. You are going to write your book in 30 days.
Why do you need a book? If you’re a coach or business owner, publishing a book can do wonders for your business. It can:
- Brand your business
- Boost your credibility and authority
- Provide value to your audience
- Increase profits
- Broaden your reach
- And much more!
Your book can also serve as material for future content, including social media posts, blog content, articles, and emails. If you’ve ever thought about writing a book, the best way to approach it is the same way you’d approach any business building initiative. You’d set a goal, create a plan, build a team and get to work.
Your Instructor

Alexa Bigwarfe is a coach to writers, self-published author, blogger, and freelance writer. Alexa's micro publishing company, Kat Biggie Press, has edited, designed, and published 7 of her own books and several books by other authors. In addition to her self-published works, Alexa has has been published in four anthologies; The Mother of All Meltdowns, The HerStories Project, The Clash of the Couples,and Mothering Through the Darkness. Alexa knows what it takes to build a writing career in the middle of real life as she built hers amid screaming children, dirty dishes and piles of laundry. As a freelance writer, she has had more than 30 articles published in regional parenting magazines throughout the U.S. and Canada. She is passionate about helping writers build sustainable businesses with the strokes of their keyboard. She provides self-publishing, course, and author and freelance writer support at Write|Publish|Sell.
Course Curriculum
StartWelcome and Introduction!
StartHow to Write a Book in 30 Days
Start7 Essentials for writing a powerful book
StartThe structure of your book
StartCreating a Winning Title and Cover
StartPricing Your Book
StartFinalizing and preparing for publication
StartUploading your book
StartChoosing the Right Category
StartWriting a How-To Book
StartWriting an Interview Style Book
StartWriting an "All About" book
Frequently Asked Questions
It's time to get to it!
Let's write that book.